Content vs. News
What are news factors?
As Andrew Boyd put it in his book ‘Broadcast Journalism, Techniques of Radio and TV News’ (1994): News values are “criteria that influence the selection and presentation of events as published news.” These values help explain what makes something “newsworthy.”
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The Gatekeeper Function
You might have heard about journalists and their gatekeeper function. Simply put, journalists are responsible to their readership and audience to distinguish between attempts of blunt advertisement that aim to drive sales versus valuable information or entertaining stories. Journalists act as “gatekeepers” and only let such organization appear in the news that has a story to tell.
When deciding what becomes real news, journalists use these news factors to determine the newsworthiness of the respective content.
Hence, if you try to get in the news to achieve earned media recognition, it is helpful to understand these news values. When creating content you can use these 12 news factors to cross-check whether your content might be newsworthy for media. One might say the more news factors the merrier, but of course, all needs to make sense. What counts is the quality of the story. Never underestimate storytelling principles. An excellent story will always catch the interest of the right audience.
By the way, there are various theories with different amounts of news values that are recited when discussing the newsworthiness of content. These 12 selected news values provide a very good range though and help to improve your content when aiming for earned media coverage.
12 news factors
Title photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash