PR Agency in Berlin Germany
PR Storytelling – das Interaktive Klassenzimmer
PR Storytelling – das Interaktive Klassenzimmer
PR Storytelling – 1edu und Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel - Foto: Gregor Anthes
Franziska Giffey, damals Bezirksstadträtin für Bildung, im Podiumsgespräch zu EduTech – Foto: Gregor Anthes
Deutschlands 1. Interaktives Klassenzimmer

PR storytelling for EduTech

In 2012, 1edu cooperated with INTEL Germany to realise the first “Interactive Classroom“. The idea: school children can work with student laptops designed to their specific requirements individually, connected in small groups or together with the teacher in a large classroom network, even with other classes overseas. The student laptops are easy to use, particularly robust and have excellent connectivity.

The task for Big Bang & Whisper: to create public awareness for Germany’s first interactive classroom in the course of the presentation of the 1edu Classmate PC.

Panel discussion instead of press conference

For the launch of the 1edu Classmate PC and Interactive Classroom, we cooperated with Berlin’s Herman-Nohl-Schule, an innovative school in the heart of Neukölln, a district that has often been in the press for high crime rates and violence in schools. We wanted to show the opposite. Media representatives received an invitation to a press conference in the auditorium of the Herman-Nohl-Schule, followed by a look into a real “interactive classroom” where pupils worked together on their laptops to create PowerPoint presentations looking back on their class trip. The students showed the press present how they work with the laptops, what advantages they have and why it is not only fun to work with them but also enables more efficient learning.

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